Juan Hormaechea

Allen & Overy LLP
Serrano 73
Madrid, 28006
Tel: +34 91 782 9845
Juan has experience of a wide range of financial transactions including structured finance transactions, acquisition financing (particularly the financing of private equity acquisition and LBO transactions), margin lending and equity derivatives.
With over 1,000 lawyers worldwide, we have one of the largest and most international teams of banking and finance lawyers of any global law firm. Few practices can match our top tier position across the full range of financial products.
With such a deep team and global reach, international and industry-leading ‘first-of-a-kind’ transactions are our hallmark. We have been instrumental in nearly all the major developments in the modern financial markets.
The past few years have been the most challenging in the history of the international financial markets and have required fresh thinking as the markets adjust to continually changing economic, political and regulatory conditions. Renowned for our intellectual rigour, our banking and finance lawyers draw on deep product expertise and regularly work alongside our regulatory, litigation, restructuring and other specialists – particularly important in light of recent market conditions – to develop innovative solutions for our clients, often incorporating complex financing techniques that lead the industry.
That is why over 800 corporate and financial institution participants in the financial markets entrust us with the full range of their domestic and cross-border transactions.
At a time of significant turbulence in the business world, we are determined to help our clients embrace change, confidently expand into new markets and keep on top of ever-more complicated regulatory frameworks.
To do this, we will harness our global strength and local knowledge. We will drive towards our vision to become the world’s most innovative law firm. And we will continue to create an environment where the brightest minds can flourish.
“Juan remains a trusted adviser with a particular focus on the sale and acquisition of NPL portfolios. He has additional expertise in corporate finance deals.”